GeoHipster officially launched two weeks ago. In the two weeks since launch, the GeoHipster website received over 2,517 page views from 1,382 unique visitors. Our inaugural poll “What defines the GeoHipster?” received 869 responses (poll results) from 217 users in 25 countries (thanks to all who responded (the poll is still open)). This shows that GeoHispterism is alive and thriving.
According to the top poll results, GeoHipsters like GeoJSON, ogr2ogr, and rolling their own map tiles. They are sometimes in denial, but have a sharp sense of humor. They shun the mainstream, but don’t always agree on what the mainstream is.
What’s next? We want to open the platform to GeoHipsters, GeoRednecks, GeoDramaQueens, etc. In other words — to all who want to participate and have something to say, directly or indirectly related to GeoHipsterism. Hit me up at