I am just going to leave this here while I work on my tractate (Working title: “Is (geo)hispterism exclusive?” (Thesis: “No”)).
it’s @boundlessgeo @google @Esri having beers at @MapBox talking about @openstreetmap – all one planet pic.twitter.com/VwtGcBzV67
— Andrew Turner (@ajturner) April 12, 2014
3 responses to “All one planet”
…the first step is admitting it…
Which, of course, exposes a giant paradox, for the top Geohipster attribute is “Never refer to myself as a GeoHipster!”
[…] hand, the just-ended State of the Map US (SOTMUS) conference in Washington, DC looked like a huge geohipster lovefest. Where is the industry going? Further fragmenting into tinier factions, or consolidating into a […]