Well, we did it again, folks. And by “we”, that’s our community – geohipsters, cartographers, “holiday” voters, and a team of judges came together to produce our best calendar yet for the 2021 edition. Sure, we say that every year…but this year we can also say it’s our biggest calendar, with FOURTEEN maps! The collage above gives you just a taste of what you’ll be getting if you buy one of your own.
So who are the talented cartographers that have been selected for our 2021 calendar? Let’s open the envelope…
- Kurt Adams & June Lei (January)
- Evelyn Uuemaa (February)
- Dan Fourquet (March)
- Barry Rowlingson (April)
- Ursula Kälin (May)
- Michele Tobias (June)
- Ron Halliday (July)
- Owen Powell (August)
- Kate Berg (September)
- Pete King (October)
- Milana Glebova & Nikita Slavin (November)
- Sophia Parafina (December)
- Zoey Armstrong (Back Cover)
- Valters Žeižis (Cover)
What a fantastic mix of skills and creativity – congratulations to all of you! And just like last year, we owe a special thanks to everyone who submitted a map for our competition; each of you made judging an extremely difficult task. We’d also like to thank Bill Dollins for his usual judge wrangling, Jonah Adkins for the creative direction, and our Editorial Board for judging.
This isn’t just any calendar, folks; not only do you get 14 stunning maps, but you get a boatload of “special” holidays identified by our readers and our team. You know you’re going to want one for all the Zoom calls you’ll be in this winter and next spring! (Make sure you order by December 10 in the US if you want it by Christmas with regular shipping.)
Oh, and happy #PostGIS Day!
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