Tell Us About Yourself
I’m Barbara Kent and I’m a GIS Specialist with California Dept. of Transportation (CalTrans).
Tell us the story behind your map
This is an update to a map I made in 2020 at the height of the COVID-19 shutdown. Because just about everything was shutdown and we were avoiding being around people in general, a friend of mine and I walked our dogs together like we never had before. We walked 4-6 times per week together (up to 24 miles per week!). We noticed A LOT of things on our route, and one of most noticeable things was how some dogs barked a lot as we passed by and others barely acknowledged us. For the #30DayMapChallenge that year, I made several maps that had to do with our dog walking route – this was one of them.
Tell us about the tools, data, etc., you used to make the map.
I needed to learn how to configure and use ArcGIS QuickCapture and updating the barkers was a good test case. The map is made with ArcGIS Pro.