

The website launched in December 2013. Below is the original “About” copy, much of which is still true today:


9 responses to “About”

  1. Gavin Schrock Avatar

    Might as well explain where the term came from. In a conversation with Paul Ramsey (of Boundless) back in October of 2013, I was trying to explain to Paul that he, and folks Like Glenn L, Anita G, and Nicholas D were great resources for neo geo news, that they appealed to #geohipsters. I meant it as a complimentary term and had used it more in jest for years in prenetations. I have often heard those of the vanguard of neo geo, FOSS4GIS, OS geo et al say things like “I don’t label myself as ‘GIS’, I like to think I do much more”. Now my side cracks about geohipsters riding expensive bikes and driving Mini’s was meant in jest…. mainly…

    1. Atanas Entchev Avatar
      Atanas Entchev

      Thank you for your comment and clarification. I, too, (and Glenn, I’m sure) view the term as a compliment. I am also aware that the term hipster — within and without geo — is not always used in a positive way. Having said that, I would wear the hipster badge proudly.

      1. Gavin Schrock Avatar

        Thank you Atanas, what a wonderful website and (of course) I dig the title. The term has a hashtag and an editorial in the next issue of ‘profsurv’ – encouraging paleo-geo types to get to know geohispters, hire them, befriend them, watch Dr. Who with them, but more important to listen them as they may be a vital key to the future…

    2. Atanas Entchev Avatar

      BTW, a quick search on Twitter finds that the geohipster hashtag has been used as early as October 5, 2010 by Michael Weisman.


  2. Gavin Schrock Avatar

    Aha! It does not surprixse me that it had happened, after all, I see “geo” as being used as a prefix for nearly everything imaginamble, and likewise with “hipster” as a suffix. I did look for a hashtag definition in Oct via the two usual repositories with no luck. So now I feel like the monkey on the other island that discovered how to crack the coconut.

    Good thing. If too many folsk don’t like it then Michael can get the blame 🙂

    btw: excellent insights from your guest predictors.

    1. Atanas Entchev Avatar

      I agree that there is still confusion about the whole notion of GeoHipster — is it a good thing or a bad thing? Hopefully this website will help flush things out.

      I agree, the insights are precious. But this is only the beginning. This is an open forum. Let me know if you would like to contribute.

      1. Gavin Schrock Avatar

        The term is not derogatory; more a tongue-in-cheek and lighthearted way to describe a geo-person who is always seeking better and cooler solutions.

        Will be sending some content soon…