Become a patron
Support Geohipster!
GeoHipster is a collaborative, volunteer effort. If you like what we do, you can help offset our costs, and help us grow and expand, by becoming a patron on Patreon.
Patrons pledge a monthly amount ($4 suggested) to support the publication and the creators. You can change the amount — or cancel your patronage — at any time.
Can I make a one-time donation?
Thank you so much for wanting to support creators. Unfortunately, Patreon does not allow one-time donations. The best way to support your favorite Patreon creators with a one-time pledge is to become a patron and simply remove your patronage after the first of the month once your pledge has successfully processed.
Do you want to advertise on Geohipster?
Does your company or organization want to help Geohipster continue? For $70 (US Currency) a month you can buy advertising space on geohipster which will be seen on the interviews and front page. This will help the site continue to break even and expand. Ads run for a 6 months period and then are up for renewal. Contact rjhale at for more information.
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