Category: Geohipsters
2025 Geohipster Calendar
It feels like only yesterday I was typing “2024 Geohipster Calendar”……….. 2025 is here and has been “triple checked” for my sanity. The price increased just a bit to $18.00 dollars. There are warnings all over the order page about the Canadian Mail Strike so order appropriately if you are in Canadia. Link to Purchase!…
Local FOSS4Gs are a great way to bring the magic to the community
John is a geospatial consultant based in Fremantle, Western Australia, where he runs Mammoth Geospatial, an open-source-focused GIS company. Specialising in open source GIS consulting and training, his career has taken him from BC & the Yukon to South America, PNG, the Pacific, and Australia. Deeply involved in the open geo community, John started Geogeeks Perth, chaired…
Where are they now? Kurt Menke
Exactly 7 years ago I had the chance to Interview Kurt Menke. You may know Kurt from his books, Discovering QGIS. You may know him from his consulting days over in New Mexico. You may know him from his interviews up here. At the end of the interview 7 years back Kurt said “For me…
Where are they now? Adam Steer
In honor of the 10th anniversary of geohipster, we’re looking back at past interviews. Six years ago Alex Leith interviewed Adam Steer. Adam covered Sea Ice, Point Clouds, Africa, and Skiing. When asked the most important question of “Shapefile or Geopackage he threw in with Geopackage with the best answer ever: “GeoPackage! Although to be…
Paper maps are novelties in a screen age
Photo from this article in the Providence Journal The Map Center in Pawtucket now run by California man after giveaway ( Andrew Middleton is a cartographer and small business owner from Central New York. He self published a book of scuba diving maps called Diving Monterey and the expanded edition is expected some time later…
Map and Mappers of the 2023 Calendar – Emory Beck – November
Tell Us About Yourself I live in Wellington, New Zealand. I’m a data analyst at Toitū Te Whenua Land Information New Zealand, and have a background in Geology. I am also the founder of MapHustle. My website, showcases a portfolio of my works, blog posts (to expand on, currently only one blog post) and…
In a band, the geopeople are the bass-players
Erik Meerburg has been working in geo-information for over 25 years. About a third of his career he’s worked in governmental organizations, a third in businesses, and a third as a self-employed professional and trainer. Education in geo-information and promotion of the use of geo are his main focus, with a strong focus on FOSS…
Where are they now? Antonio Locandro
Eight Years ago I had the opportunity to interview Antonio Locandro. We met over Twitter and I decided to interview him. This was also the first “Dual Language” interview we did as Antonio was kind enough to translate everything I asked to Spanish. From 2015 Antonio’s final comment to the Geohipster crowd was “Choose the…
Diane Fritz: What can the mapping community collectively do to help the conversation about tackling man-made global warming….
Diane grew up in the canyons and mountains recently made more famous via the Oppenheimer movie mania of summer 2023. Her upbringing instilled a strong appreciation for both science and the outdoors. Diane left the mountains for a bit to get her undergraduate degree in Biochemistry from UC San Diego. Later, after working at Los…
Mamata Akella: The toolbox to build and design maps for the web is ever-changing
Mamata has been a professional web cartographer for over a decade building maps and technology for Esri, National Park Service, CARTO, Stamen, Facebook, and now Felt. She loves pushing the limits of cartography on the web and working on cross-functional teams to build cartographic thinking into products used by both technical and non-technical users. This…
Where are they now? Maggie Cawley from July 2018.
Five years ago I had the honor of interviewing Maggie for Geohipster. I kept running into her at various conferences and at OpenStreetMap activities. That interview covered a lot of ground from starting a business to mapping a park in Africa to Jewelry. I encourage you to go back and give it a read. From…
This is the power of geospatial – it empowers us to ask multi-disciplinary questions, collaborate and take real climate action.
Sunny Fleming is Esri’s industry lead for public sector environment. Throughout her career, she has applied GIS concepts and technology to environmental policy, conservation, and natural resources; from monitoring species in the field to helping state parks manage assets and assess their economic impacts. She continues to pursue her passion for the environment by helping…