Category: Maps & Mappers

  • Maps and Mappers of the 2023 Calendar – Barbara Kent – June

    Maps and Mappers of the 2023 Calendar – Barbara Kent – June

    Tell Us About Yourself I’m Barbara Kent and I’m a GIS Specialist with California Dept. of Transportation (CalTrans). Tell us the story behind your map This is an update to a map I made in 2020 at the height of the COVID-19 shutdown. Because just about everything was shutdown and we were avoiding being around…

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  • Maps and Mappers of the 2023 Calendar: Adam Steer

    Maps and Mappers of the 2023 Calendar: Adam Steer

    Tell us about yourself I was tinkering with topography datasets in the Barents Sea and around the Svalbard archipelago, having just executed a mid-pandemic emigration to Norway for a contract working in the northern Barents Sea. I was really working on ways to make terrain visualisation happy for extremely hilly parts of the ocean (for…

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  • Maps and Mappers of the 2032 Calendar – Kate Berg – April

    Maps and Mappers of the 2032 Calendar – Kate Berg – April

    Tell Us About Yourself I am GIS lead at the State of Michigan’s Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE). I’ve been in the field for over 10 years since my first GIS class at UCLA in 2012. Since then, I’ve taught GIS at the university level and worked in the non-profit, private, and…

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  • Maps and Mappers of the 2023 Calendar: Antonia Blankenberg – March

    Maps and Mappers of the 2023 Calendar: Antonia Blankenberg – March

    Tell Us About Yourself My name is Antonia Blankenberg. I’m a Senior Consultant with Esri Ireland. I’ve always been interested in geography, but I only first came across GIS during my undergraduate degree. I took a module studying the geomorphology of Mars, during which I was introduced to ArcMap. I was so intrigued and inspired…

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  • Maps and Mappers of the 2023 calendar: Emmanuel Duchene, February

    Maps and Mappers of the 2023 calendar: Emmanuel Duchene, February

    Q: Tell us about yourself: A. My name is Emmanuel Duchene. I work as a teacher in Sweden. Originally from France, I have for a long time felt a strong attraction for Sweden. I moved here in 2011. I am married and have two children, one of which did this map collab with me. I…

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  • Maps and Mappers of the 2023 calendar: Conner Houston, January

    Maps and Mappers of the 2023 calendar: Conner Houston, January

    Q. Tell Us About Yourself:  A. Hi, I’m Connor Houston ( and am a geographer and a geospatial professional. I work for the Province, putting Ontario (CANADA) on the map by using a variety of GIS technologies, introducing Ontario to potential investors and constantly striving towards faster, better, cheaper geospatial systems of insights, engagement and record.…

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  • What day is it? It’s PostGIS-slash-Calendar Day!

    What day is it? It’s PostGIS-slash-Calendar Day!

    Well, you can count on this as much as you can count on your favorite open source database: it’s that time of year when we release our map calendar on PostGIS Day! What does this calendar do? Who made it in this year? How do you get it? Well, this stunning printed product can be…

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  • Maps and Mappers of the 2022 calendar: Tom Armitage, October

    Maps and Mappers of the 2022 calendar: Tom Armitage, October

    Q: Tell us about yourself: A: Hi, I’m Tom Armitage (@MapNav_Tom on Twitter) and I have been working in GIS for 20 Years. I’m MapTiler‘s Technical Writer and I also do some GIS training and teaching at the University of Edinburgh where I am an honorary fellow. I’m an Open Source Advocate, and have spent…

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  • Call for Maps: 2023 GeoHipster Calendar

    Fall weather (in the northern hemisphere). Back to school. Pumpkin spice lattes. Spooky movies and Halloween candy. What other traditions can you count on happening each September? You guessed it! We’re pleased to announce that there will be a 2023 GeoHipster Calendar, and we’re opening up the call for maps today. Mike and Randy will…

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  • Maps and Mappers of the 2022 calendar: Carl Churchill, Back Cover

    Maps and Mappers of the 2022 calendar: Carl Churchill, Back Cover

    Q: Tell us about yourself: A: I am a cartographer working for Woodwell Climate Research Center. I came to GIS from a very humanities-focused background, with a history degree and even brief training as an archeologist. I have dabbled in a lot of things over my brief professional career – including a few gigs as…

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  • Maps and Mappers of the 2022 calendar: Jessica Baker, July

    Maps and Mappers of the 2022 calendar: Jessica Baker, July

    Q: Tell us about yourself: A: I work at Ordnance Survey which is Great Britain’s national mapping agency, as a Technical Relationship Consultant specialising in GeoDataViz. My 9-5 essentially involves using geospatial data to make maps and visuals for all sorts of things, from national park anniversaries, to big sporting events, and supporting the public…

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  • Maps and Mappers of the 2022 calendar: Samara Ebinger, June

    Q: Tell us about yourself: A: I’m a GIS Specialist at the City of Worcester, Massachusetts. I just recently started last November. I’ve been in the GIS field for a long time but in different capacities, working for a consulting firm, non-profits, state government, and now local government. I love learning new things and trying…

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