Tag: cartography
Maps and Mappers of the 2024 Calendar – September – Phoebe Ly
Tell Us About Yourself I grew up in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, and moved to Austin, Texas, where I was an undergraduate student and then a geologist. I’m currently graduating in October from an international cartography master’s program based in Europe, and I am excited to see what life brings next. Tell us the story behind…
Maps and Mappers of the 2024 Calendar – Katherine Rudzki – July
Tell Us About Yourself I’m a GIS Analyst at Summit Design and Engineering Services where I manage data and collection processes for projects focused on asset maintenance. I started my career in GIS on a whim; I was thinking of getting my masters in Geology but realized I would need to fill a GIS-sized hole in…
Maps and Mappers of the 2024 Calendar – Abigail Rabinovitch – March
Tell us about yourself I fell in love with maps as an undergrad, I was studying so much I barely left my room and maps were my window to the outside. I spent so much time browsing topographic maps that at one point I forgot water wasn’t sky blue ! Since getting my degree I…
Paper maps are novelties in a screen age
Photo from this article in the Providence Journal The Map Center in Pawtucket now run by California man after giveaway (providencejournal.com) Andrew Middleton is a cartographer and small business owner from Central New York. He self published a book of scuba diving maps called Diving Monterey and the expanded edition is expected some time later…
2024 Geohipster Calendar
If I’m not mistaken I’m about to announce the call for submissions to the 10th Geohipster Calendar. We need your maps. Sale of the maps keep us going for another year PLUS gives you bragging rights that you made it into the most spatially correct calendar in publication. Yes – I was counting this morning…
Maps and Mappers of the 2023 Calendar – David Salazar – September
Tell Us About Yourself I am currently writing my master thesis for the MSc. Cartography program (https://cartographymaster.eu/). I have always liked maps. The more details, the more I like them. I get fascinated how artistic they can be. My background is in Geography but was a bit frustrated when a map was seen just as…
Maps and Mappers of the 2023 calendar: Emmanuel Duchene, February
Q: Tell us about yourself: A. My name is Emmanuel Duchene. I work as a teacher in Sweden. Originally from France, I have for a long time felt a strong attraction for Sweden. I moved here in 2011. I am married and have two children, one of which did this map collab with me. I…
Maps and Mappers of the 2023 calendar: Conner Houston, January
Q. Tell Us About Yourself: A. Hi, I’m Connor Houston (www.reachabove.ca) and am a geographer and a geospatial professional. I work for the Province, putting Ontario (CANADA) on the map by using a variety of GIS technologies, introducing Ontario to potential investors and constantly striving towards faster, better, cheaper geospatial systems of insights, engagement and record.…
Stephanie May: “If you don’t know what your map is supposed to be telling us, neither do we”
By day, Stephanie specializes in spatial data file formats, transformations, analysis, and geospatial product management. At other times she opines for free on thematic map styles, urbanism, and best practices in geodata. Once upon a time her maps were featured in Atlantic Cities, Gizmodo, Huffington Post, the New Yorker, and the New York Times. She…
Gretchen Peterson: “Cartography is fundamentally about where things are, not about the technology that displays them”
Gretchen Peterson is a cartography explorer who is constantly on the lookout for new techniques, tricks, and solutions that collectively elevate the status of maps. Peterson shares these adventures in her cartography books, blog, and twitter stream, and also, sometimes, cracks extremely funny nerd jokes. As a Data Scientist at Boundless, Peterson designs basemaps with…
Jonah Adkins: “Engaging with other like-minded geo people via Twitter provides a great unfiltered look at what’s working and what’s not”
Jonah Adkins (@jonahadkins) is a Sr. Geospatial Analyst with GISi out of his home office in Newport News, Virginia. He has been in GIS since 1999 working for local governments, federal agencies, and most recently as a consultant. Jonah is a published cartographer who enjoys time with his family, maps (duh), Disney, Pro-Wrestling, has a…