Tag: Damian Spangrud

  • Damian Spangrud to GeoHipster: “Reinvent with a purpose”

    Damian Spangrud is a Geographer and Director of Solutions at Esri. Damian often speaks about the role of GIS, technology, and innovation trends. In his 25+ years in the geospatial industry Damian has enjoyed working across a wide range of topics and technology and tweets about all things spatial, weather, and various geeky topics @spangrud.…

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  • Maps and Mappers of the 2017 GeoHipster Calendar – Damian Spangrud

    Damian Spangrud – April @spangrud Tell us about yourself. I’m a carto geek and have been making varying degrees of visual junk for almost 3 decades. I’m interested in showing data in a way that makes people curious to learn more. I’ve been at Esri for 23 years and I’m the Director of Solutions (which…

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  • 13 maps in 13 days: Damian Spangrud

    Sending off the year 2015, we present to our readers the mapmakers who contributed their work to the 2015 GeoHipster calendar. *** Damian Spangrud Q: Tell us about yourself. A: I like maps and playing with data (aka analysis). I’m a failed Biologist who became Geographer (CU Boulder, MSU Bozeman) and have been working with…

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  • The 2015 GeoHipster Calendar is available for purchase

    We are excited to announce that the first-ever GeoHipster wall calendar is ready for production. We thank all who submitted maps for the calendar, Christina Boggs and Carol Kraemer for co-originating the calendar idea, and Christina again for her ongoing assistance with logistics and curation. The 2015 GeoHipster Wall Calendar makes a great holiday gift…

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