Tag: geohipster
@Shapefile to GeoHipster: “80% of successful GIS work is having a good folder structure”
Having been born together with ArcView GIS 2 in the early 90s, the Shapefile soon became, and remains, the de facto standard for sharing geospatial vector data. To this day it remains a crucial player in the global GIS community, and is even extending its reach into neighboring disciplines such as Business Intelligence. In May…
Dale Lutz: “Imagine there’s no formats. It’s easy if you try.”
Dale Lutz (@daleatsafe) is the Co-CEO and Vice President of Development of Safe Software. Along with co-founder Don Murray, Dale created Safe Software’s core product, FME, a data integration platform which helps 20,000 organizations across the world get their data from where it is to where they need it to be. Don and Dale have…
Eric Fischer: “There may yet be an objective measure of the goodness of places, but I haven’t found it yet“
Eric Fischer works on data visualization and analysis tools at Mapbox. He was previously an artist in residence at the Exploratorium and before that was on the Android team at Google. He is best known for “big data” projects using geotagged photos and tweets, but has also spent a lot of time in libraries over…
Jim McAndrew: “There’s always going to be some next big thing, but the basics remain the same”
Jim McAndrew is a Geospatial Database Developer. Before adding ‘geospatial’ to his job title, he worked on large Oracle databases for pharmaceutical and manufacturing companies. For the last few years, he has been working with the US Geological Survey and the National Park Service to create tools that provide public access to government data. He…
Amy Sorensen: “Keep pushing the arbitrary boundaries between geospatial and IT”
Grew up on a farm in Iowa. Started my GIS career as an intern for Emmet County, working on first iteration of E-911 for the sheriff’s department. Moved to South Dakota from there and worked for the SDDOT for a while with the esteemed title of “Automated Mapping Specialist”. Really enjoyed the work but was…
Nate Smith: “Visit a new place in the world; reach out to the OSM communities there”
Nate Smith is technical project manager for the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team. He leads out the OpenAerialMap project and dives into all things technical across HOT’s operations. Originally from Nebraska, he is now based in Lisbon, Portugal, slowly learning Portuguese and attempting to learn to surf. Nate was interviewed for GeoHipster by Amy Smith. Q: We…
GeoHipster Mixtape Volume 2
GeoHipster Mixtape Volume 2 Last April we published the first GeoHipster Mixtape, a look into the tunes we chill to, scream to, and grind to during the work day. This is Volume 2. On most days we listen to the soundtrack of work: phones, email notifications, office chatter, or the sound of the city. For…
Srikant Panda: “The whole community of photogrammetry and GIS is a family”
Srikant Panda is a photogrammetrist, philosopher, friend, and owner of a brand new house. Srikant was interviewed for GeoHipster by Randal Hale, who prefaced this piece with the following: Many of you are going to be reading this and going “Who is Srikant Panda?” I said the same thing about a couple of years back…
Stephanie May: “If you don’t know what your map is supposed to be telling us, neither do we”
By day, Stephanie specializes in spatial data file formats, transformations, analysis, and geospatial product management. At other times she opines for free on thematic map styles, urbanism, and best practices in geodata. Once upon a time her maps were featured in Atlantic Cities, Gizmodo, Huffington Post, the New Yorker, and the New York Times. She…
Steven Ramage: “Fitness for purpose is one of my favourite terms”
After a number of years working with internationally-recognised organisations (Navteq, 1Spatial, OGC, and Ordnance Survey (OS)), Steven is now working for what3words, based in London; they’re helping to simply and precisely communicate location using only words. He also consults for OS, the World Bank, and is a Visiting Professor at the Institute for Future Cities…
Gretchen Peterson: “Cartography is fundamentally about where things are, not about the technology that displays them”
Gretchen Peterson is a cartography explorer who is constantly on the lookout for new techniques, tricks, and solutions that collectively elevate the status of maps. Peterson shares these adventures in her cartography books, blog, and twitter stream, and also, sometimes, cracks extremely funny nerd jokes. As a Data Scientist at Boundless, Peterson designs basemaps with…
What will be hot in geo in 2015 — predictions from the GeoHipster crowd
GeoHipster asked several GeoFolk to predict what will be HOT in geo in 2015 (see 2014 predictions from December 2013). Here are their answers: Nicholas Duggan, Dragons8mycat Thanks for the opportunity, let me first get into smug mode and say that I wasn’t too far off the mark with Boundless’ OpenGeo being prime place for…