Tag: gis
Stephen Mather: “The best way to predict the future is to stake a claim in it and make it happen”
Stephen Mather has been working in GIS, planning, and related fields since 1998, working for the last 7 years as the GIS Manager for Cleveland Metroparks. He has been interested in the application of computer vision to geospatial analyses since 2004, and has recently initiated the OpenDroneMap project — a project to bring together and…
Mano Marks: “The map is just a piece of what’s going on”
Mano Marks is a Staff Developer Advocate on the Google Developer Platform team. He works to help developers implement Google’s APIs in their applications. He has a Masters in History, and another in Information Management and Systems. His career has taken him from database management at non-profits, to keynote addresses at Google Developer Days around…
Will Skora: “I scraped an electronic list of pantries and set up a website”
Will Skora (Twitter, blog) likes to make and read maps and do geospatial analysis to help others understand the world. During the day, he manages food pantries for a Cleveland non-profit; he’s a member of the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team; co-organizes Cleveland’s Maptime chapter Open Geo Cleveland, and Cleveland’s Code For America Brigade, Open Cleveland. Will was…
Abdishakur Hassan: “The sound of hammer replaced the sound of bullets in Somalia”
Abdishakur Hassan is GIS Officer at UN-Habitat Somalia Programme in Mogadishu. He returned back to his home country to work and take part in rebuilding the nation. He is a survivor of Black Hawk Down as a child. Interviewer’s note: I did not have a personal connection with Shakur prior to this interview. I noticed…
Sara Safavi: “At heart, that’s what we are: stubborn, persistent, get-this-done types”
Sara Safavi is a “software developer with a geohabit” in Austin, TX. She spent many years in the GIS trenches before eventually transitioning to full-time developer at Rackspace. She also moonlights as a geospatial consultant, specializing in clients looking for cost-effective, “real-world” solutions hybridizing open source technologies with existing platforms. Outside of work, Sara organizes…
Antonio Locandro: “QGIS opened a new different arena of GIS knowledge thirst”
Antonio Locandro is a civil engineer-turned-GIS specialist, working for an Air Navigation Service Provider for Central America, where he deals with airways, aeronautical cartography, and procedure design among other things. His previous experience includes working for Honduras Census Bureau (INE), selling a book called “Learn English While Sleeping”, and a grocery store. Antonio was interviewed…
Brian Monheiser: “If a geohipster is someone who believes we should all be working more openly and collaboratively, then count me in”
Brian Monheiser (Twitter, LinkedIn) is the Director of Defense and Intelligence Programs for Boundless Inc. Brian works with US Government agencies and contractors to provide freedom from the rigid architectures and unsustainable pricing models of proprietary geospatial software with packaging, expertise, maintenance, professional services, training, and more. Prior to Boundless, Brian honorably served in the…
Kate Chapman: “If what HOT is doing seems exciting to you, get involved”
Kate Chapman is the Executive Director at the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team. Her most recent work has been in Indonesia working on a three-year program with the Australia-Indonesia Facility for Disaster Reduction using OpenStreetMap and InaSAFE to help disaster managers better develop contingency plans. Previous to working at HOT, Kate was involved in development of multiple…
Srikant Panda: “The whole community of photogrammetry and GIS is a family”
Srikant Panda is a photogrammetrist, philosopher, friend, and owner of a brand new house. Srikant was interviewed for GeoHipster by Randal Hale, who prefaced this piece with the following: Many of you are going to be reading this and going “Who is Srikant Panda?” I said the same thing about a couple of years back…
Stephanie May: “If you don’t know what your map is supposed to be telling us, neither do we”
By day, Stephanie specializes in spatial data file formats, transformations, analysis, and geospatial product management. At other times she opines for free on thematic map styles, urbanism, and best practices in geodata. Once upon a time her maps were featured in Atlantic Cities, Gizmodo, Huffington Post, the New Yorker, and the New York Times. She…
Steven Ramage: “Fitness for purpose is one of my favourite terms”
After a number of years working with internationally-recognised organisations (Navteq, 1Spatial, OGC, and Ordnance Survey (OS)), Steven is now working for what3words, based in London; they’re helping to simply and precisely communicate location using only words. He also consults for OS, the World Bank, and is a Visiting Professor at the Institute for Future Cities…
Gretchen Peterson: “Cartography is fundamentally about where things are, not about the technology that displays them”
Gretchen Peterson is a cartography explorer who is constantly on the lookout for new techniques, tricks, and solutions that collectively elevate the status of maps. Peterson shares these adventures in her cartography books, blog, and twitter stream, and also, sometimes, cracks extremely funny nerd jokes. As a Data Scientist at Boundless, Peterson designs basemaps with…