Tag: Katie Kowalsky
Maps and mappers of the 2016 calendar: Katie Kowalsky
In our series “Maps and mappers of the 2016 calendar” we will present throughout 2016 the mapmakers who submitted their creations for inclusion in the 2016 GeoHipster calendar. *** Katie Kowalsky Q: Tell us about yourself. A: I’m Katie, a cartographer, hot sauce enthusiast, and recent San Francisco transplant. I work at Mapzen where I…
2016 GeoHipster calendar showcases technological and cartographic artistry
Last month GeoHipster put out a call for maps for the 2016 GeoHipster calendar. The response was overwhelming, with nearly two dozen maps being submitted. The submissions represented a cross-section of the cartographic talent and imagination of the geospatial industry. The GeoHipster advisory board certainly had its work cut out for it. We would have…
Eight young professionals doing awesome things in geo
by Jonah Adkins [@jonahadkins] Real talk: I love geo. After 15 years or so in this field, I’m constantly amazed at the work being accomplished by my colleagues. I’m especially inspired by the new class of talent that comes along every few years. Whether it be a thought-provoking tweet, a fresh take on cartography, or…