Tag: Natasha Pirani
Nate Wessel to GeoHipster: “I want to get stuck doing something”
Nate Wessel is an urban planner and cartographer living in Toronto. He spent much of his life so far in Ohio and enjoys cycling, walking, mapping things, and playing with his cat. Check out his website https://natewessel.com/ for more info. Nate was interviewed for GeoHipster by Natasha Pirani. Q: Hi Nate! How did you become…
Rosemary Wardley: “Coding is foundational knowledge that can help you in any career”
Rosemary Wardley is a Cartographer at National Geographic where she works on a variety of custom print and digital products. Outside of work, Rosemary stays active in the larger geo community through her position on the Board of NACIS and through the many geospatial meetups that take place in Washington D.C. Whenever possible she likes…
Britta Ricker: “Think about who the data is representing, and who is missing”
Britta Ricker, PhD (@bricker) is an Assistant Professor at Utrecht University in the Copernicus institute for Sustainable Development. Her research interests focus on accessible spatial technologies, particularly open data and the use of mobile devices. Dr. Ricker co-founded the Masters in Geospatial Technologies at the University Washington Tacoma. She has also provided GIS and cartographic…