Tag: Mario Nowak
Maps and mappers of the 2016 calendar: Mario Nowak
In our series “Maps and mappers of the 2016 calendar” we will present throughout 2016 the mapmakers who submitted their creations for inclusion in the 2016 GeoHipster calendar. *** Mario Nowak Q: Tell us about yourself. A: I studied geography at the University of Zurich, Switzerland, and did a Master in Geographic Information Science. I…
2016 GeoHipster calendar showcases technological and cartographic artistry
Last month GeoHipster put out a call for maps for the 2016 GeoHipster calendar. The response was overwhelming, with nearly two dozen maps being submitted. The submissions represented a cross-section of the cartographic talent and imagination of the geospatial industry. The GeoHipster advisory board certainly had its work cut out for it. We would have…