Tag: Code for America
Sophia Parafina: “Smart people will make you poor”
Sophia Parafina (Twitter, blog) provides janitorial services for data and is fond of firing high velocity projectiles. Sophia was interviewed for GeoHipster by Randal Hale. Q: We first met over Twitter. Our first IRL meeting was at the infamous Thea Aldrich baby shower in Austin Texas. But I’ve never asked: How did you start in the geo…
Lyzi Diamond: “Make things. Put them on the internet.”
Lyzi Diamond is a 2014 Code for America Fellow with the city of Lexington, KY. She has spent much of her career in government GIS, but is now tinkering in the land of open source geospatial technologies. She spends her free time organizing geo meetups, writing tutorials, making silly web maps, riding bikes, and playing…