Tag: Ed Freyfogle
Kenneth Field: “I tried to get ‘Professional cartonerd’ on my business card at work. It was rejected outright.”
A self-confessed ‘cartonerd’ with a personal and professional passion for mapping, Ken gained his BSc in Cartography at Oxford Polytechnic and PhD in GIS at Leicester University and fell into academia. He spent 20 years in key positions in UK universities before moving to sunny California to join Esri in 2011. He has presented and…
Muthukumar Kumar: “Connect with other geogeeks”
Muthukumar Kumar lives approximately near bulges.become.bowls (Munich, Germany). An active blogger, he has been blogging with Geoawesomeness for the past 5 years and loves talking about everything geo with geo-geeks from across the world. You can reach him on Twitter @muthukumarceg Muthukumar was interviewed for GeoHipster by Ed Freyfogle. Q: Muthu, let’s dive right into…
Mark Iliffe: “Maps show us where to direct our resources and improve the lives of people”
Mark Iliffe (@markiliffe) is a geographer/map geek working on mapping projects around the world. He leads Ramani Huria for the World Bank, is Neodemographic Research Fellow at the University of Nottingham after completing his PhD at the Horizon Institute, and a mentor for Geeks Without Bounds. Mark was interviewed for GeoHipster by Ed Freyfogle. Q:…
Javier de la Torre: “There are a ton of European geo-startups trying to conquer the world”
Javier de la Torre is the CEO of CartoDB, a global startup democratizing data analysis and visualization on maps. He is a former scientist with a research focus on biodiversity informatics and global environmental change, and is a recognized expert on open data, open source software, and data visualization. Javier was interviewed for GeoHipster by…
Jenny Allen: “Build applications and services that delight the geo-nervous or geo-reluctant”
Jenny Allen is a Product Manager in the Search Team at HERE. She’s worked in and out of the geo-industry for many years and lives happily in Berlin, Germany. You can follow her on twitter @sjen. Jenny was interviewed for GeoHipster by Ed Freyfogle. Q: You started your career in geo in the field, working…
Ed Freyfogle: “Every startup is vulnerable, that’s what makes it exciting”
Ed Freyfogle is a German/American entrepreneur living in London. He is one of the founders of Lokku, makers of the OpenCage Geocoder. Ed was interviewed for GeoHipster by Atanas Entchev. Q: You are the only geo person I know with an MBA from MIT. By contrast, I know people who wish they had an MBA…